VIP Coaching with Allana


Book Your VIP Call

Our sacred paths have finally collided

Status quo relationships are unacceptable. Single and successful isn’t fulfilling. You’ve evolved beyond Soulmates are ready for your WholeMate where 1+1= Infinity. 

You have very few people you can trust with what’s really going on behind the scenes which can make you feel lonely, isolated, a lone wolf… even in your relationship, your company, your circle of influence. 

You require impeccable safety, accurate proven direction and a deeper experience of soulful facilitation. You want Jedi-like perception of your blindspots and a mentor who’s walked the path from shit show to soul shaking love. 

You are ascending… fast. It’s empowering yet destabilizing. You know ‘better’ yet still fall into unhealthy patterns. Yet you’re ready. This is the year to shift YOU into WE. 

You know it’s going to take trauma integrations, soul embodiment and ever deepening intimate connection with your Self in order to have it with your Beloved. Your heart’s freedom and soul’s ascension is at stake. 

Thus it’s time to book your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience Call with me now. You’ll fill out a short application and hear back from me or my team within 24 hrs or less to book your call.

I honor you for showing up. Enough thinking about it. There’s fucking epic love, deep intimacy and breathtaking connection waiting for you. Let’s begin.

Great love, Allana xox

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